Summarization technics and prompt argumentation

Started 4 weeks ago by Ai Prompts in Summarization Prompts

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Feel free to adapt these ai prompts to suit your specific needs and context!


  1. Summarize the key points and main arguments of the given text in a concise, well-structured paragraph. Ensure that your summary captures the essence of the text while omitting unnecessary details. Aim for a length of approximately 100 words.

  2. Provide a detailed, multi-paragraph summary of the provided text. Divide your summary into clear sections, each focusing on a major theme or idea. Use specific examples from the text to support your points. Strive for a total summary length of 300-400 words.

  3. Craft a comprehensive executive summary of the given document. Assume your audience is busy executives who need a high-level overview of the key takeaways. Highlight critical findings, recommendations, and supporting evidence. Keep your summary to a maximum of 500 words.

  4. Produce a multi-page summary report of the provided text. Structure your report with clear headings and subheadings. Include an abstract, introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Support your analysis with relevant quotes and data from the original text. Aim for a total length of 1000-1500 words.

  5. Summarize the given text in the form of a bulleted outline. Use clear, concise language in your bullet points. Organize your outline with main topics and supporting sub-points. Ensure your outline captures the key ideas and flow of the original text.

  6. Provide a chapter-by-chapter summary of the provided book. For each chapter, briefly describe the main events, characters, and themes. Aim for 1-2 paragraphs per chapter. Conclude with an overall assessment of the book's strengths and weaknesses.

  7. Craft a 140-character tweet-length summary of the given text. Convey the core message or most important idea in a single, engaging sentence. Use hashtags and emojis to add emphasis and personality to your summary.

  8. Produce a 60-second audio summary of the provided text. Speak clearly and concisely, highlighting the key points and main takeaways. Aim for a natural, conversational tone. Conclude with a strong call-to-action or recommendation for further reading.

  9. Create a visual mind map summarizing the main ideas and relationships in the given text. Use colors, images, and connecting lines to illustrate the flow of information. Ensure your mind map is easy to follow and captures the essential elements of the original text.

  10. Provide a comparative summary of the given text and another related work. Identify similarities and differences in themes, arguments, and conclusions. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of each text. Conclude with an overall evaluation of which work is more effective or compelling.

  11. Craft a multi-lingual summary of the provided text. Summarize the key points in 3-5 different languages, ensuring that each summary captures the essence of the original text. Aim for a length of approximately 100 words per language.

  12. Produce a "TL;DR" (Too Long; Didn't Read) summary of the given text. Assume your audience has limited time and attention spans. Convey the core message and most critical information in a concise, engaging manner. Aim for a length of 50-100 words.

  13. Provide a "before and after" summary of the given text. First, summarize the text as it currently stands. Then, rewrite your summary to be more concise, clear, and impactful. Highlight the differences between the two versions and explain your editing choices.

  14. Create a "choose your own adventure" interactive summary of the provided text. Present readers with multiple choice questions or decision points that lead to different summary paths. Ensure each path accurately captures a key aspect of the original text.

  15. Craft a "greatest hits" summary of the given text. Identify the most quotable lines, most compelling arguments, and most memorable moments. Weave these elements together into a concise, engaging summary that showcases the text's most powerful and impactful parts.

  16. Produce a "myth-busting" summary of the provided text. Identify common misconceptions or misunderstandings related to the text's subject matter. Clarify these myths and provide accurate, evidence-based information from the text to correct them.

  17. Provide a "top 10" list summary of the given text. Identify the 10 most important ideas, facts, or takeaways from the text. Present them in a clear, engaging list format with brief explanations for each point.

  18. Create a "pros and cons" summary of the provided text. Objectively identify the strengths and weaknesses of the text's arguments and conclusions. Support each point with specific evidence from the original text.

  19. Craft a "mystery" summary of the given text. Assume your audience has not read the original text. Provide just enough information to pique their curiosity and make them want to read more, without revealing the full story or conclusions.

  20. Produce a "future-focused" summary of the provided text. Imagine how the text's ideas, arguments, and conclusions might play out in the years or decades to come. Speculate on potential real-world implications and applications of the text's key points.

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